Monday 1 August 2011

The end of one week, the beginning of the next...

This week started off well, I was feeling better. The week ended not so strong. The past three days I have felt tired and have had low energy. They said it would take some time before my deficiences levelled off and I felt better long term but when I felt so great after feeling so poorly I was disappointed that my poor feeling came back. I'm sure I'll get there but it's gonna take time. I need to be patient and allow myself to heal and become strong again.

Lets look at my goal list and get the update!!

1. Fix my nutrition (eat healthy!!) 

Had a great start with changing my nutrition. The end of the week wasn't perfect but that is life. I had two family birthday parties so food was in big quantities! I had smaller portions but I also had cake!

2. Loose 25 pounds (need to feel better!!)

The end of week one and I weighted in 2 pounds lighter! They say that loosing 1 pound  per week is the best case for weight loss so it looks like I am doing okay. Focus on the positive! Next week is a new week! 23 to go!

3. Drink 8 cups of water per day

Got up to 5 glasses a day and now I finally crave water again!! I'll be at 8 glasses a day in no time. I'll have achieved my goal once I have had 8 glasses of water per day for over 21 days!!

4. Shake this terrible survivors guilt (explanation to come)

This will be ongoing for me. I had a hard time this week with the internal panic attacks I have been having. I visualize my brother still being alive but I can't get to him and I just scream "I want my brother back" over and over. It's terrible and it's still happening. I've got a way to go with this unfortunately.

5. Improve my cardiovascular health

Gonna try walking around the block this week or on the treadmill to see what happens. WIsh me luck!

6. Run the Detroit half marathon in October 2012

Once #5 is achieved the training for this will begin!

7. Work out at least 3 times per week

Gonna try one work out this week. I have decided to cancel my Train With Jane membership and go back to Goodlife. Unfortunately the hours for TWJ are not working with my new work schedule. I'm going to start slow and hope it gets better so I can get back to weekly work outs. I really do enjoy them!!!

8. Start a family in 2012 (!!!!!!!)

Fingers crossed. We haven't started trying but I hope we do this year or early next year!

9. Bring Yoga back into my weekly routine (twice per week)

I will be joining a studio in September and will start slow. I am very excited to get back to yoga. I think it will help me with my overall health and wellness. 

10. Create overall wellness in my life (be truly happy)

I hope to get my plan and results this week. Then I will have a drawn out path to wellness. I will hear from Tina this week and will meet with her to review my results and have my plan set up. My neck has been feeling really great. I have been on a twice a week treatment plan as well as 2 Migun bed treatments. They have been really helping. In 6 months I will have new X-rays done and will see the results in black and white.
All these in total will have completed my overall wellness plan. What a great feeling that will be!!!

This is me.....creating wellness in my life!

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